Cardi B in Azzi & Osta – MTV Video Music Awards

CARDI B wears a custom-made couture gown by the renowned couture house AZZI & OSTA, to the MTV Video Music Awards, on August 20th, in New York, USA, where she won an award for Song Of The Summer.

The gown is an adaptation of the House’s La Regence SS18 gown, but this time in red, and with four tails instead of two, AND with a body incorporated in it. AZZI & OSTA were very inspired by Cardi B herself and recreated their classic silhouette for her.

The gown took over 150 hours to perfect. Their favorite element in it is the volume which is a signature design, as well as the tiny waist and exaggerated hips. Cardi B wore an all red silk gazar gown with volumes on the hips. The house used 15 meters of Silk Gazar.

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